package scales.xml.dsl

import scales.xml.{
  XmlTree, Elem, 
  XCC, XmlItem, 
  QName, ScalesXml,
  Attribute, emptyChildren,
  ItemOrElem, XPath,
  XmlPath, Text, raw

import scales.utils.collection.path._
import scales.utils.{AsBoolean, subtree, foldPositions, booleanMatcher, booleanAndTMatcher, top, item}

import ScalesXml.xmlCBF

import ScalesXml.fromParserDefault // note cannot be in parser here

 * Entry point to creating DslBuilders, can be used without the implicit helpers
object DslBuilder {
   * Creates a tree with @elem as the root
  def elem2tree( elem : Elem ) : XmlTree = subtree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC](elem,emptyChildren).right.get
   * Creates a tree with @qname for the root Elem
  def q2tree( qname : QName ) = elem2tree(Elem(qname))

   * Creates a new tree for the DslBuilder with this @qname for the root elem
  def apply( qname : QName ) = new DslBuilder(elem2tree(Elem(qname))) 
   * Creates a new tree for the DslBuilder with @elem as the root
  def apply( elem : Elem ) = new DslBuilder(elem2tree(elem))
   * Uses @tree to directly create the DslBuilder
  def apply( tree : XmlTree ) = new DslBuilder(tree)

 * Simple runtime Wrapper around folds
case class FoldErrorException(error : FoldError) extends RuntimeException

 * Must have a starting element, modelled as tree as we need to keep the data around and trees must always have an elem
final class DslBuilder private(val tree: XmlTree) {
  import ScalesXml._

   * Add attributes
  def /@(attribs : Attribute*) = new DslBuilder( tree.copy(section = tree.section.copy (attributes = tree.section.attributes ++ attribs) ))

   * Add attributes
  def /@(attribs : => Iterable[Attribute]) : DslBuilder = new DslBuilder( tree.copy(section = tree.section.copy (attributes = tree.section.attributes ++ attribs) ))

   * Optionally add a single attribute, when None no attribute will be added
  def /@(attrib : Option[Attribute]) ={ a => 
      new DslBuilder( tree.copy(section = tree.section.copy (attributes = tree.section.attributes + a) ))

   * Remove attributes
  def -/@(attribs : QName*) = new DslBuilder( tree.copy(section = tree.section.copy (attributes = tree.section.attributes -- attribs)))
  def add( itemOrElems : ItemOrElem * ) = /( itemOrElems :_* )

  def /( itemOrElems : => Iterable[ItemOrElem] ) : DslBuilder =
    new DslBuilder( tree.copy( children = (tree.children ++ itemOrElems  )))

   * Add a number of ItemOrElems wrapped in Option, those which are Some will be added.
  def addOptionals( itemOrElems : Option[ItemOrElem] * ) : DslBuilder = /( itemOrElems.flatten )

   * Add an Iterable of ItemOrElems wrapped in Option, those which are Some will be added.
  def addOptionals( itemOrElems : => Iterable[Option[ItemOrElem]] ) : DslBuilder =

   * Optionally add a child, when None no child we be added
  def /( itemOrElem : Option[ItemOrElem] ) ={ i => 
      new DslBuilder( tree.copy( children = (tree.children :+ i  )))

   * Fold over the current tree, allows folding deep within a builder.  Either the fold works or `this` is returned with the FoldError.
  def fold[T <: Iterable[XmlPath]]( xpath : XmlPath => XPath[T])( folder: (XmlPath) => FoldOperation[XmlItem, Elem, XCC] ) : Either[DslBuilder, (DslBuilder, FoldError)] = 
    (foldPositions( raw( xpath( top(tree) ) ) )(folder)).
      fold( x => Left(new DslBuilder( x.tree )), y => Right((this,y)) )

   * fold_! calls fold but throws the error when its returning a root
  def fold_![T <: Iterable[XmlPath]]( xpath : XmlPath => XPath[T])( folder: (XmlPath) => FoldOperation[XmlItem, Elem, XCC] ) : DslBuilder =
    (fold(xpath)(folder)).fold(identity, x => throw new FoldErrorException(x._2))

   * Does not throw when NoPaths is returned, simply returning this
  def fold_?[T <: Iterable[XmlPath]]( xpath : XmlPath => XPath[T])( folder: (XmlPath) => FoldOperation[XmlItem, Elem, XCC] ) : DslBuilder =
    (fold(xpath)(folder)).fold(identity, x => 
      if (x._2 eq NoPaths) 
      else throw new FoldErrorException(x._2))

   * Removes all child trees with a given qname
   */ // any qname will do given its elems
  def -/( qname : QName ) = new DslBuilder(tree.copy(children = tree.children.filterNot{
    either =>
      either.fold( item => false, tree => =:= qname)

   * Add a number of trees, xmlItems, text, cdata, comments etc
  def /( itemOrElems : ItemOrElem * ) = 
    new DslBuilder( tree.copy( children = (tree.children ++ itemOrElems )))

   * sets the tree to a single Text node child, replacing all others
  def ~>( value : String ) : DslBuilder = // note ~> is used not -> as it will then get in the way of the tupler
    if (value ne null)
      new DslBuilder( tree.copy(children = emptyChildren :+ item[XmlItem, Elem, XCC](Text(value))))
    else this
   * see ~>
  def setValue( value : String ) = ~>(value)

   * Optionally sets the tree to a single Text node child, replacing all others, None will not change the current node.
   * {{{
   *    <(Elem("root"l)) ~> None
   * }}}
   * would leave an empty <root/>
  def ~>( value : Option[String] ) : DslBuilder ={ v =>
      new DslBuilder( tree.copy(children = emptyChildren :+ item[XmlItem, Elem, XCC](Text(v))))

   * see ~> Option[String]
  def setValue( value : Option[String] ) = ~>(value)
   * Cleans out any child text nodes (comments, cdata etc) and just leaves child elements
  def elementsOnly = new DslBuilder(tree.copy(children = tree.children.filter( _.fold( _ => false, _ => true ) ) ))

  def toTree = tree
